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  • From Gebhard SENGMÜLLER

    7 plays 0  
    VSSTV - Very Slow Scan Television by Gebhard Sengmüller, in collaboration with Jakob Edlbacher, Johannes Obermayr and Ludwig Ertl. Very Slow Scan Television…
  • From Gebhard SENGMÜLLER

    5 plays 0  
    VinylVideo an invention by Gebhard Sengmüller, in cooperation with Martin Diamant, Günter Erhart and Best Before VinylVideo™ is a new, wondrous and…
  • From Gebhard SENGMÜLLER

    4 plays 0  
    VinylVideo an invention by Gebhard Sengmüller, in cooperation with Martin Diamant, Günter Erhart and Best Before VinylVideo™ is a new, wondrous and…

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  • From Joachim Smetschka

    64 plays 0  
    WHAT IS REMAINING? LABO TRACES @ ARS ELECTRONICA CENTER Deep Space 8K TANZ LINZ in Kooperation mit der Kunstuniversität Linz / Zeitbasierte und Interaktive…
  • From KunstUni Events

    217 plays 0  
    Koloniale Strukturen, Bilder und Denkweisen wirken in die Gegenwart – was bedeutet das für eine kritische Bildungsarbeit? Der Vortrag stellt Erkenntnisse aus…
  • From Gebhard SENGMÜLLER

    7 plays 0  
    VSSTV - Very Slow Scan Television by Gebhard Sengmüller, in collaboration with Jakob Edlbacher, Johannes Obermayr and Ludwig Ertl. Very Slow Scan Television…

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  • From Gebhard SENGMÜLLER

    7 plays 0  
    VSSTV - Very Slow Scan Television by Gebhard Sengmüller, in collaboration with Jakob Edlbacher, Johannes Obermayr and Ludwig Ertl. Very Slow Scan Television…
  • From Gebhard SENGMÜLLER

    5 plays 0  
    VinylVideo an invention by Gebhard Sengmüller, in cooperation with Martin Diamant, Günter Erhart and Best Before VinylVideo™ is a new, wondrous and…
  • From Gebhard SENGMÜLLER

    4 plays 0  
    VinylVideo an invention by Gebhard Sengmüller, in cooperation with Martin Diamant, Günter Erhart and Best Before VinylVideo™ is a new, wondrous and…